For immediate assistance any week day from 8 am - 4pm (EST), call our office at 740-452-3601. For after-hours emergency support, please refer to the decal on your equipment or the manual for additional contact information.

Safety Features

Safety Features
TroubleProbable CauseCorrection
Conveyor will not traverse.Conveyor booms not fully retracted.Ensure the booms are fully retracted.
Defective limit switch.Repair or replace defective switch as necessary.
Defective control circuit wiring.Repair or replace control circuit wiring as necessary.
Operator not on rider platform.Operator must stand on rider platform.
Defective operator platform limit switch.Replace defective limit switch.
Pressure “LOAD SWITCH” on end of boom fails to operate properly. (Optional)Defective switch.Repair or replace defective switch as necessary.
Defective control circuit wiring.Repair or replace control circuit wiring as necessary.
Trip on Load Plate needs adjusted, not closing limit switch.Adjust switch to operate limit switch.
“Safe Switch” on front of telescoping boom fails to operate properly.Defective switch.Repair or replace defective switch as necessary.
Defective control circuit wiring.Repair or Replace control wiring as necessary.
Safety switch not closing limit switch.Adjust limit switch trip.